Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Travel Log: 2006 Vacation to Southwest via Newport Beach -- Day 1

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We left our house at 9:15am, heading for 3 nights at the Marriott Newport Coast Villas resort. Our plan was to go down Highway 5, which was the same route that we took in 2002 on our San Diego trip. On that trip, our BMW's transmission sprung a leak somewhere on Hwy 5. By the time we made it into LA, the tranny was slipping. Anyway, that was history, this time, the trip down Hwy 5 was easy and uneventful. We made 3 brief stop along the way, and we arrived at our destination at 4:35pm.

There was one weird thing that happened though, and we're not sure exactly where it happened. Can you spot the clue in this picture of, taken in front of our suite at the Newport villa?

I may not have internet access every day during our trip, I may skip a day or two here and there. Stay tuned, more adventures and pictures to come.


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