Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Easy Life T., June 1991- August 2005, RIP

Our beloved pet, Easy Life T., passed away on 8/21/2005. She was with us for 14 happy years. My father must have wanted a companion with him because one day after we had my father's memorial service, we had to make the very difficult decision to let Easy go in peace and with dignity. She had been diagnosed with terminal kidney failure.

14 years ago, Gail secretly searched for a kitten to adopt for me. The search had been unsuccessful until one day, Gail woke up in the morning, and just knew that there was a kitten out there who looked like Easy who was waiting for her to come adopt her. At the first mobile adoption stand that Gail visited, she did not find her. Gail then asked the worker if there was another mobile adoption center anywhere else in the area. She told Gail that yes, there was another one at Embarcadero Center. When Gail went there, she found Easy, and immediately adopted her.

I was an independent computer consultant at one time, and I worked at my home office. Easy was my constant companion and supervisor. She would either sit on one of my desks, or in an office chair next to me while I worked at my computer.

Our friends would tell us that Easy was like a princess, and was probably the most spoiled cat in the world. Well, we couldn't disagree because having no children, Easy was and always will be our "baby". Whenever we go on trips, we would have a babysitter stay overnight at the house to be with her.

She was one of my most photographed subjects. Because she was always with me, she was a handy subject whenever I needed to finish off the last few shots in a roll of film, or if I needed a subject to test a new piece of photo equipment, or if I just wanted to shoot a few shots for fun.

Easy had a long and healthy life, and she was such a constant presence in our house. It will take a long time for us (especially me) to let her go. We loved her so much.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Following is a photo tribute to Easy. While I have many pictures of her since she was a kitten, these shots are from the last five years, after I got into digital photography.

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My last good picture of Easy (July, 2005):

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So sad for your loss. If you want to laugh a little come and see my catblog. Even if it's only in French, you will see all the cats of my life (and other animals too). And if you take a very good look, you will find the picture of Tintin, a cat exactly like your Easy. I've lived with him for 17 years... And I cried a lot when he died. But now I'm in love again with Merlin and Princesse. Very different but alike. PS I talk about cats sometimes in my bilinguan blog too. Bye. Seeya.
Thanks MP, thanks for telling me about your blogs. Gail and I visited Eastern Canada many years ago. We really enjoyed it.

I love the cat pictures on your cat blog.


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