Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Coffee Shop Camera Talks

Hosting provided by FotoTime


Last Sunday was a very good day for me, from a photography hobbyist's standpoint. I was given a very large assortment of camera gear for free from a guy who decided that he no longer needed his unused gear. As it turned out, I also arranged to meet up with fellow photographer, Ted M., for coffee so I brought the equipment with me to look over with Ted. In this picture, Ted used one of those free cameras, an Olympus D-600L, 1.3MP digital camera. This is camera is woefully obsolete by today's standards, but despite all that, it still takes very good pictures as you can see. Here's how you would most likely see me at a coffee shop, with a camera and a cup of coffee having a chat with a friend (or sometimes a stranger) about my favorite subject: photography!


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